Wayne Palmer tells President David Palmer that because the threat level has been raised to red, people are realizing that Senator John Keeler is playing politics instead of Palmer.
Alexander Trepkos guarantees Keeler a win in the election. Trepkos tells Keeler that Palmer is currently giving into multiple terrorist demands to prevent a national outbreak of a virus.
Jack Bauer finds out that Tony helped Stephen Saunders escape custody. He seizes control of CTU.
Saunders lets his hostage Michelle speak to Tony. He then orders Tony to get his daughter Jane out of CTU or Michelle will die.
As Jack informs CTU of the change in power, Tony Almeida tasers a guard to get Jane out of the building. Chloe tells Jack that Saunders has Michelle and is using her as leverage.
Saunders tells Tony that he will get further instructions. Jack asks security to locate Tony, but they cannot.
10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
As the CTU staff tracks Tony through the streets, Jack heads out to find him.
10:03 A.M.
In the car, Jane Saunders questions Tony about his strange behavior. He says that he is transferring her to Division.
10:05 A.M.
From her locked cell, Michelle taunts Saunders's henchman about how he will die when the virus is released.
10:06 A.M.
Kim tells Chase that his job will always prevent him from being a good parent. Yet if Chase transfers out of Field Ops, Kim would consider staying in their relationship and helping him raise his daughter.
10:08 A.M.
As Adam watches Tony's movement on satellite, Jack follows the car.
10:09 A.M.
Jane realizes that she is not being taken to Division, and Tony finally admits that he has kidnapped her in order to get his wife back from Saunders. Suddenly, another SUV swerves into Tony's car and forces him to a halt. Jack pops out of the SUV and draws his gun. He knows that Tony only wants to save Michelle, and he understands what he is going through. Tony's renegade actions are reminiscent of Jack's past deeds. Yet Jack needs Jane to lure Saunders, and he promises that Michelle won't suffer. Tony explains that Saunders directed him to a public payphone where he will receive further instructions.
--Commercial Break--
10:16 A.M.
Wayne thinks that the White House should release a statement about the exact nature of the threat. Palmer would rather withhold the truth than cause a widespread panic.
10:17 A.M.
Senator Keeler comes to see the President. He accuses Palmer of capitulating to terrorist demands, a violation of United States policy. He shows the President a copy of his signed pardon of Sherry Palmer as well as the internal Secret Service report on the bomb threat. Keeler also accuses Palmer of authorizing the death of Ryan Chappelle and providing this terrorist with the names of all foreign operatives, although he only has the word of a source within the government. Palmer sheepishly admits that some of it is true and corrects the record, explaining that millions of lives are at stake. But Keeler counters that all Palmer has done is prove terrorism works. And Palmer’s personal decision to pardon Sherry was reckless, as proven by the bomb she brought in. Keeler calls for Palmer’s withdrawal from the campaign once the terrorist threat is resolved. He will allow Palmer to offer whatever face-saving reason he wants to give. Palmer orders Keeler out of his office.
10:20 A.M.
Arriving at the phone booth, Jack orders Tony to reject the location Saunders chooses. Making him pick a secondary location will allow Chase time to get a team in place. Tony goes to the phone.
10:22 A.M.
Jack listens in as Tony takes Saunders's phone call. Saunders gives Tony a location to deliver Jane, but Tony claims that area is in a CTU satellite area. Saunders refuses to change, and Jack hangs up the phone. Tony is furious, but Jack knows that Saunders will call back because he is desperate to get his daughter. Tony accuses Jack of jeopardizing Michelle because she would merely be an acceptable loss. "Didn't you learn anything from what happened to Teri?" Tony asks. Jack angrily pushes Tony. Suddenly, the payphone rings and Tony answers it. Saunders offers up a new location.
--Commercial Break
10:28 A.M.
Chase briefs his tactical team on the position under the Sixth Street Bridge where Saunders is meeting Tony. Kim asks him to be careful.
10:29 A.M.
Chloe tells Kim that Chase won't leave Field Ops to start a family with her. He's too much like Jack. Kim brushes her warning aside.
10:30 A.M.
Keeler calls Trepkos and tells him that he made his offer to the President, but Palmer angrily ordered him out of the room. Keeler gave him until the terrorist threat was over to make his decision and is sure that he’ll drop out. Trepkos warns Keeler that his source thinks that the threat won’t be resolved until long after the election. The government is hiding it well, but the virus has already been released in Los Angeles. There are quarantine zones sprouting up everywhere. Trepkos recommends that Keeler release all this information to the public as soon as possible. “If you do, you will be the next President of the United States,” Trepkos declares. Keeler seriously considers it.
10:32 A.M.
As they head to the bridge, Jack calls Chase to give him a plan of attack. Jane asks Jack if her father will really kill innocent Americans with the virus. Jack explains that Saunders thinks the country betrayed him even though his job required him to make impossible sacrifices.
10:34 A.M.
Michelle screams from the holding cell. Saunders's henchman comes in to find her with a bloody nose. He's frightened when Michelle says that she has contracted the deadly virus. The man radios Saunders, but Michelle knocks the guy out with a brick. She had bloodied her own nose to scare him. Michelle grabs his gun and cell phone, and runs off. Saunders goes after her.
10:35 A.M.
Michelle can't get any service on the phone in the underground fortress. She finds her way to daylight, but hits a fenced-in dead end. Michelle calls CTU, but Chloe can't hear her. There's only static. Chloe hangs up.
--Commercial Break--
10:41 A.M.
Palmer tells his brother about Keeler finding out about his actions over the past twelve hours and blackmailing him. Wayne is enraged and wants to find Keeler’s clearly high-ranking source. But Palmer calms him down, saying that they knew they’d have to deal with the repercussions of his decisions during this crisis. All Palmer cares about now is preventing millions of Americans from being killed. Fighting for his political future will have to come another day.
10:43 A.M.
Jack and Tony arrive at the bridge where Chase has his strike team in place.
10:44 A.M.
Kim connects Jack with Michelle, who has gotten away from Saunders. But instead of picking Michelle up, Jack wants her to be recaptured by Saunders so that he will have a reason for an exchange. Tony tries to get Chase to send a team to her, but Jack forcefully has Tony taken away. Michelle takes Jack's order, and tosses the gun and phone. She runs back and Saunders finds her.
--Commercial Break--
10:50 A.M.
Waiting anxiously for word on the CTU operation against Saunders, Palmer expresses his guilt, feeling that everything that has happened today was his fault. Palmer authorized Operation Nightfall and now Saunders wants revenge on him and the United States. Wayne assures Palmer that Saunders made his own decision. They are interrupted by an urgent call from Palmer’s press secretary. Senator Keeler is holding a press conference. Palmer sighs as he walks with Wayne to the television. Keeler announces that the country is currently under threat of a mass outbreak of the Cordilla virus, with parts of Los Angeles already infected and under quarantine. He then explains that Palmer had Ryan Chappelle killed and Sherry Palmer pardoned in vain efforts to prevent this outbreak.
10:52 A.M.
As Chase's team lies in wait at the bridge, Tony asks Jack to do what he can to save his wife. The convoy carrying Michelle arrives at the spot where Tony is with Jane.
10:55 A.M.
Michelle and Jane pass each other as they walk to the opposite sides. Jack refuses to send the team in until he has a visual on Saunders. Jane hesitates out of fear and starts to go back toward Tony. Saunders gets out of one of the cars to show himself to her. The SWAT team opens fire, as does Tony.
10:56 A.M.
Saunders is shocked to see his plan backfire, and he runs into a riverbed toward a waiting helicopter. Jack takes off after him, but is fired at by the men in the chopper. Jack calls in for air support.
10:57 A.M.
The Marines arrive in F-18 fighter jets, firing missiles at the helicopter. It explodes, and sends Saunders blown backwards by the blast.
10:58 A.M.
Jane watches as Tony reunites with Michelle.
10:59 A.M.
Amid the wreckage of the helicopter, Jack pulls his weapon on Saunders and demands to know where the other unaccounted vials of the virus are. "You can waste time trying to break me and kill millions of people," Saunders says to Jack. "Or you can give me what I want."
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